交大A Level何其欣被牛津大学录取

      又是一年留学申请季,上海交通大学A Level国际课程中心频传喜讯,2013年秋季入学的何其欣同学在经历了A2的考试后,最终以优异的总成绩和极强的综合素质获得了牛津大学正式录取。何同学于2013年秋入读交大A Level国际课程中心。当时就读高二的她,觉得A Level课程可以帮忙她实现出国梦,于是和父母商量后,毅然报读了上海交大A Level国际课程。入学一年半期间,何同学不仅英语成绩很好,高数物理等课程成绩也是名列前茅,获得了几乎全A*的优异成绩。何同学不仅成绩优异,爱好也极其广泛,在校期间积极参加了各种学校活动和社会实践活动。在学校举办的“A Level达人秀”中,何同学以一首优美动听的日语歌曲取得了第二名的好成绩。正是如此优异的学习成绩和较强的综合素质,才令何同学获得了牛津大学的青睐。上海交大A Level国际课程中心祝愿何同学在英国的求学之路一帆风顺,也希望今后的学生像何同学学习,德智体美全面发展,获得理想院校的offer。 



       从2013年进入上海交通大学A Level国际课程中心学习,一转眼已经过去了一年多。在这段时间里,我学习到了许多知识,也结交了很多新朋友,留下了美好的回忆。进入中心学习的一开始,全英语的数理化课本让不少同学都很不适应。但在老师耐心教导和翻译下,我们的成绩也开始逐步获得了提高,掌握了更多英国高中生所学习的内容。学校还开设有各类雅思,外教课程,让我们学习数理化知识的同时,也能同步提高我们的英语水平,了解英美等国家的当地文化。在接下来的几个月里,我十分期待并希望能充实的度过在国际高中的最后一学期。 




HO Keiian is the most talented and passionate student I have ever seen in my whole education career. I am deeply impressed by her intellectual curiosity and diligence. While most of other students coped hard with the new course structure and language environment, Miss Ho asked her teachers for further reading suggestions on physics. Keiian also showed a strong research potential by studying mathematical models of black holes, paradoxes about time and gravitational field in Einstein’s space-time theory all alone. She is always not satisfied with the class content and has done extensive reading in Physics and Math. She even put Physics theory into practice by building a lot of creative gadgets such as Drowning Prevention Device, 3rd place in Shanghai Innovation Competition. Her A*A*A  A- Level scores further strengthens her NO.1 position in our A Level Center. I was not surprised at all when I got the news that she was admitted by University of Oxford. She definitely deserves it. I hope her dream of being a great Physicist and conducting research through her life will come true.